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Farewell from Hannah Carruthers, Deputy Head of Press

It’s a bittersweet moment to say that this will be the last time I’ll be a part of the CLEIMUN Press Team. Despite the 3 long days of writing, interviewing, printing, and folding. CLEIMUN is something I would do again in a heartbeat given the chance. The experience in of itself is fulfilling in every aspect. I have gained management skills, an idea of the professional world, experience in a non-profit organization, and many great colleagues and friends.

I first heard about the conference from a friend who knew that a position needed to be filled on the Press Team. I was told all I needed to know was how to write, so I accepted. My first conference, CLEIMUN17, was nerve-wracking to say the least. I was thrown into a completely new environment, but I found my way with the help of my amazing team. As CLEIMUN17 went on, we as a team noticed changes needed to be made in order for this year’s conference to run smoothly. With a year until CLEIMUN18, we created and filled multiple positions, created a new format for The Plain Delegate, and filled a succession team for CLEIMUN19.

Through these past 3 days, the changes proved to be successful. We will soon transition all of our materials to our CLEIMUN19 succession team. As excited as we are to see the new team take over and continue to represent CLEIMUN, I only wish I could continue to be a part of it. I look forward to following the conference’s success in the years to come and wish all those involved in future CLEIMUNs the best of luck.

Hannah Carruthers

Deputy Head of Press, CLEIMUN18

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CLEIMUN is supported by the John P. Murphy Foundation and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association

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