Admin Assistants from Lakewood Catholic Academy
A conference as active as CLEIMUN18 takes a plethora of work and effort to run smoothly. One vehicle that has continuously accommodated the conference is Lakewood Catholic Academy, who has generously provided several students to engage in the Admin Assistants Partnership. The students have dedicated their
time to provide the conference with security, the passing of information, and directing delegates to their assigned location. Students Connor Grace and Will Armsworthy are two members of the hard working team, and spoke in relation to why they have decided to help further the events of the conference. When asked about why they participate, Armsworthy spoke of entering into the partnership as part of a class for school last year, but returning this year out of pure enjoyment. “We also have friends who are delegates,” Grace added, indicating his support for others from his school. As the crew continues to strengthen this conference and the delegates in it, a large element of gratitude is surely owed.