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Meet Andreas & Oliver, CLEIMUN18 Special Rapporteurs

Oliver Hirschfield - Special Rapporteur and Chair of the Approvals Panel

Oliver Hirschfield is an IT specialist at Oxford Brookes University who started MUN at age 13 while attending Haileybury College in England. His technological readiness assisted him in developing countless tech improvements for his school conference. Similar to Andreas, Oliver learned to navigate the waters of MUN through his attendance in conferences across England, Ireland, and the Netherlands. After years of developing his diplomatic skills, Oliver was appointed Secretary-General of the Haileybury MUN Conference in 2013 (HMUN13). As a CLEIMUN18 Rapporteur, Oliver will oversee the special event that occurs on Saturday, February 17, and monitor the Secretaries-General & Chairs. While attending university, Oliver founded MUNiverse alongside Andreas Payne, and former Haileybury MUN member, Richard Haslam, in hopes of creating a passion for MUN matters in young students around the globe.

Andreas Payne - Special Rapporteur & Crisis Director

Starting at age 14, CLEIMUN18 will be Andreas Payne’s 10th year of involvement with MUN. Andreas learned to navigate the waters of MUN while attending Haileybury College in England, attending conferences across England, Ireland, and the Netherlands. With his experience and aptitude for MUN matters, Andreas served as Secretary-General of the Haileybury MUN Conference in 2012 (HMUN12). Currently, Andreas serves at the House of Commons in London as the Parliamentary Assistant to Mr. Philip Hammond, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. This is a prestigious position for anyone newly out of college. As one of the Rapporteurs and members of the Approvals Panel for CLEIMUN18, a few responsibilities Andreas shares with Oliver (see below) are checking draft resolutions and assigning them to applicable committees for debate. Since graduating the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, he and Oliver have founded a company called MUNiverse, which provides help to schools around the world in starting and maintaining lively MUN programs and conferences.

Recent Updates

CLEIMUN is supported by the John P. Murphy Foundation and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association

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