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Our First International School from Chile: Saint George's College

The basis of Model United Nations is to form relationships with those in our community and in our world. With these relationships, we educate ourselves and others on the importance of working together to fix global issues. This year, CLEIMUN is proud to host our very first international school all the way from Chile.

In the spirit of forming relationships, Saint Edward High School is hosting eight Chilean students for the duration of the CLEIMUN17 Conference. Many of the students have never experienced a MUN conference before and look forward to participating and learning what MUN really is. At CLEIMUN17, we encourage the Chilean students to immerse themselves into the MUN community. Though they may have never experienced a conference before, we hope to see them get involved with the process and learn more about foreign affairs.

We here at CLEIMUN are in deep gratitude to the Chilean students and their advisor for traveling abroad to attend our conference. We hope to exceed the expectations of both the conference and Cleveland itself. We look forward to maintaining a relationship with both the students and school for years to come!

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CLEIMUN is supported by the John P. Murphy Foundation and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association

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